The label

Guardian and transmitter of French culinary traditions.

is the label, the title that we award to artisans, restaurants, merchants and cities. It is the testimony and recognition of their actions and efforts to transmit and highlight French culinary savoir-faire and thus promote this heritage and its authenticity assimilated to the identity of France among foreigners. To find out more about our label, discover the label's standard :

The label helps the various parties get involved in a common project, define its concepts, monitor its progress, evolution, and continuity, and ensure its impact.

The various parties are artisans, merchants, tourism, hospitality, and gastronomy professionals, as well as public organizations (municipalities, departments).

By organizing various activities, events, and programs that help to promote the unique identity of the region and its products

If you wish to join the organization and have your production, restaurant, hotel, city, village or region benefit from the France Gastronomy Tours label, get in touch with us.